• Location
    Lesnaya Safmar Hotel
    Moscow, Russia
  • Date
    November 19-20, 2024
Eng | Rus

The state Duma adopted the law on production and turnover of ethanol

The state Duma adopted the law aimed at creating favorable legal conditions for the production of bioethanol.

The document introduces the concept of «bioethanol» and determines the procedure for licensing its production. Under the ethanol means denatured ethyl alcohol produced during the processing of vegetable raw materials and containing no more than 1% water. Such alcohol used for technical purposes, in particular as fuel.

Introduced requirements on the equipment of the main equipment for the production of bioethanol with automated tools measuring and accounting of concentration of denaturing substances in ethanol. The enterprises engaged in the production of bio-ethanol prohibited the production of ethyl alcohol from food raw material. In addition, it is prohibited the retail sale of alcohol products with the addition of bioethanol.

The law actually resolves two tasks: it determines the order of production of bioethanol and deduces from-under actions of the law on state regulation of production and turnover of alcohol fuels that contain ethanol, explained previously, member of Committee on ekonompolitike Alexey Kanayev. Experts believe that such a method of increasing the octane number of the fuel by adding ethanol is more environmentally friendly and safe than the currently used method using methyl tert-butyl ether, he said.

Currently, the gasoline produced with the addition of as high-octane additive of ethyl alcohol, in particular ethanol, in the framework of the current legislation refers to non-food alcohol-containing products in connection with the content of more than 0.5% alcohol. Since the production and circulation of alcohol products is regulated by the law on state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, this situation leads to reduced development of ethanol production, according to the government of the Russian Federation.

24.11.2018, 2274 просмотра.
